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Oxygen Art Centre was pleased to present an exhibition of new work by visual artist Stephanie Kellett in January of 2018. The exhibition included a series of new paintings, a found object installation and an audio visual component. As research and inspiration for the creation of Re-Wilding: fire starter, Kellett traveled with her partner, bear biologist and sound artist Robert E. Livingood to Chilco and Fish Lake. These mountain lakes are situated high on the Chilcotin Plateau which lies between the Fraser River and  Coastal Mountains of British Columbia. Together they spent six weeks living in this biologically rich environment among grizzlies, wolves, wild horses and salmon. Kellett went to the plateau with the intention of re-wilding herself and to “still her mind” in the sublime beauty and deep quiet of the plateau.  However, what touched her deeply and has inspired her creative process was found in the mundane, in the daily act of gathering twigs for starting fires. This repetitive and simple act is the root of her new work and exhibition, Re-Wilding: fire starter.


Here the audio component here.

Watch the video here.

The exhibit ReWiling: Fire Starter ran from January 6th to February 3rd, 2018. The artist gave a talk on her work on Saturday, January 20th from 4-5pm.

Re-Wilding: fire starter was also exhibited at Gallery2 in Grand Forks, BC from February 1st through to April 6th, 2019. The artist gave a talk Saturday February 2nd at 1pm.

Photo credit of paintings and twig bundles to Jeremy Addington.

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